Special Education

Presently Chetna provides following services / programmes to provide an opportunity to children with physical and multiple
disabilities to discover themselves and develop their potential.

Early Intervention Education And
Stimulation Programmes

Though children are grouped together in various therapy sections but they are different in their abilities and potential. No two children are alike so it is essential to carry out individual programme planning. The children attending early intervention programme are provided with services specific to need of each child.

Vocational & Sheltered Workshop
for Disabled

To increase a variety of independent skills and responsibilities in a work setting i.e out from the classroom various Vocational activities are ongoing in the institute which includes - Candle Making, Weaving, Spinning, Floriculture, Embroidery, Gardening, Computer Awareness and House Keeping.

Medical & Therapeutic Services

A group of dedicated Medical Specialists Team visits the center once a week.
Each child undergoes medical check up by Psychiatrist, Neuro-Paediatrician, Orthopaedician, and ENT Surgeon.
Occupational & Physio Therapy

Occupational & Physio Therapy

The specialist in this programme mainly use two approaches - biomechanical and Neuro-Developmental approach. Adoptive Equipment Furniture and Splints are designed to facilitate activities of daily living. According to the need of an individual child the therapist provide adoptive devices to maintain posture and counter positioning to carry out functions from different postures.
Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Speech plays an important role in the life of disabled children. The speech therapist and audiologist conduct speech and audio logical assessment and provides individualized programme. It includes excercise of speech organs, correction of speech expression (articulation) and most important its comprehension. The therapist provides total communication, fitting and selection of hearing aid.
Behaviour Therapy

Behaviour Therapy

Behaviour is a pervasive part of every being. Behaviour can be learned as well as unlearned. The behaviour therapist does comprehensive assessment of skill as well as problem, and conduct behaviour modification programme to facilitate the development of adaptive skills along with decreasing maladaptive behaviour.